The current STELLA Unconference Website is now found at: (which used to be called
What is the STELLA Unconference?
This meeting is for any librarian interested in scientific, technical and engineering resources. The acronym stands for Science, Technology & Engineering Library Leaders in Action!
When is the unconference?
The meeting was January 8th and 9th (Friday-Saturday), 2010 at the University of Denver in the Driscoll Center.
Where is the unconference?
It took place at the University of Denver in the Driscoll Center. See the Unconference Location page for more info.
Would you like regular updates?
The discussion list was moved to a google list. More info about it is on the about page.
We will be using #stella10 as the twitter hashtag. This is a good place to follow the event with real-time updates --
Please add your name to the attendee list.
Right now, there are about 80 people from all over the United States and Canada who are planning on attending.
This is an unconference, AND in the true unconference spirit, there will be no (or very little) conference fees [unlike some other library-based unconferences]. If you can get to Denver by plane, train, ferry or foot, then you can attend the unconference. Some of the background to the idea for STELLA can be found here.
STELLA is now added to the list.
Walt Crawford has some good overviews of the Library Camp idea here:
The Unconference is co-sponsored by the Library Society of the World. "You are already member -- you just don't know it yet."
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