
Attendee List

Page history last edited by Librarian Kimberly 15 years, 1 month ago

If you would like to come, please register your name in PBwiki, and put your name here.  


Also, please add yourself to the discussion list here.  Go ahead and add your name even if you can't attend. 


  1. Joe Kraus, University of Denver, jokraus@du.edu
  2. Kristen Fitzpatrick, IEEE, k.fitzpatrickATieee.org
  3. Victoria Mitchell, University of Oregon, vmitch@uoregon.edu
  4. Teresa May, Concurrent Technologies Corporation, mayt@ctc.com
  5. Regina Hart, Michael Baker Jr. Inc., library@mbakercorp.com
  6. Colleen Lyon, Grand Valley State University, lyonc@gvsu.edu
  7. Nancy Flury Carlson, Westinghouse Electric Co., carlsonf@westinghouse.com
  8. Rhonda Calloway, Thermo King/Ingersoll Rand, rhonda_calloway@irco.com
  9. Al Berger, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, al_berger@nrel.gov
  10. Jill Cirasella, Brooklyn College/CUNY, cirasella AT brooklyn.cuny.edu
  11. Deborah Kegel, University of California, San Diego, dkegel ATucsd.edu
  12. Lori Critz, Georgia Tech, lori.critz@library.gatech.edu
  13. Kathleen Rainwater, Competitive Business Research krainwatr@hotmail.com
  14. Martin Wallace, University of Maine martin.wallace@umit.maine.edu
  15. Carol Fitzgerald, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, carol_fitzgerald@nrel.gov
  16. Kathy Jackson, URS Washington Division, kathy.jackson@wgint.comEdit
  17. Mel DeSart, University of Washington, desart@u.washington.edu (Maybe)
  18. Marjorie Hall Snook, NewFields LLC, msnook@newfields.com
  19. Joel Cummings, Washington State University, jcummings@wsu.edu
  20. Norma Leistiko, Freeway Librarian, Hillsboro Public, Linn-Benton CC, normaleistiko@mac.com
  21. Amanda Taylor, Towson University, amtaylor@towson.edu
  22. Jennifer King, Lehman College, CUNY, jennifer.king@lehman.cuny.edu
  23. Tim Merrick, U.S. Geological Survey Idaho Water Science Center, trmerrick@usgs.gov
  24. Patricia Meindl, University of Toronto, pmeindl@chem.utoronto.ca
  25. Alison Bradley, UNC Charlotte, adbradle AT uncc . edu
  26. Mary Donahue, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, mary_donahue@nrel.gov
  27. Pat Green, The Aerospace Corporation, patricia.w.green@aero.org
  28. Laura "Rikhei" Harris, Grand Valley State University, harrisri@gvsu.edu
  29. Kimberly Chapman, University of Arizona, chapmank@u.library.arizona.edu
  30. Patricia Watkins, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ @ patricia.watkins@erau.edu
  31. Erin O'Toole, University of North Texas, erin.otoole@unt.edu
  32. Cynthia Prosser, University of Georgia, cprosser@uga.edu
  33. Shelly Sommer, INSTAAR, University of Colorado-Boulder, shelly.sommer@colorado.edu
  34. Marie Sparks, Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), msparks@cas.org
  35. Paula C Johnson, New Mexico State University,paulacj@lib.nmsu.edu
  36. Lisa G. Dunn, Colorado School of Mines, ldunn@mines.edu
  37. Patricia Andersen, Colorado School of Mines, panderse@mines.edu
  38. Megan Tomeo, Colorado School of Mines, mtomeo@mines.edu
  39. Julia Gelfand, University of California, Irvine, jgelfand at uci dot edu
  40. Jeffra Bussmann, University of California, Irvine, jeffra.bussmann@uci.edu 
  41. Natalie Mitchell, University of Denver, natalie.mitchell@du.edu 
  42. Ian Burke, University of Denver, ian.burke@du.edu
  43. Lark Birdsong (larkb@uw.edu), Information School, University of Washington (http://cis.washington.edu/project-sites/infoliteracy/)
  44. Suzanne T. Larsen, Univeristy of Colorado, Boulder, suzanne.larsen@colorado.edu
  45. Michelle Wilde, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, michelle.wilde@colostate.edu
  46. Michelle Mittrach-Garcia, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, magar AT lanl dot gov
  47. Rebecca Kuglitsch, U Puget Sound, rkuglitsch at pugetsound dot edu
  48. Diane Tobin, Denver Medical Library, tobind at denvermedlib.org
  49. Heather Whitehead, Colorado School of Mines hwhitehe@mines.edu
  50. Mary Hickey, National Security Space Institute mary.hickey@wyle.com
  51. Sharon Schwerzel, Florida State University sschwerzel@fsu.edu
  52. (Maybe) Barbara L. Wagner, US EPA Natl Enforcement Investigations Ctr. wagner.barbara@epa.gov
  53. Rebecka Snell, Golder Associates, Lakewood, CO rsnell@golder.com
  54. Linda Van Wert, CaridianBCT, Lakewood, CO  linda.vanwert@caridianbct.com
  55. Michael Habib, Scopus, m.habib@elsevier.com 
  56. Warren Lathe (Trey), OpenHelix LLC, wlatheATopenhelix.com
  57. Khue Duong, California State University, Long Beach, kduong@csulb.edu
  58. Linda Conway, Air Academy High School, USAFA, linda.conway@asd20.org
  59. Rich Hummel, ProQuest - Sr. Product Manager, Technology Products, rich.hummel@proquest.com
  60. Daryle Schneider, Arapahoe Community College Library, Educational Technology, Daryle.schneider@arapahoe.edu
  61. Maliaca Oxnam, University of Arizona, maliaca AT u.arizona.edu
  62. Kimberly O'Neill, Librarian, URS Corporation, Kimberly_ONeill at URSCorp dot com
  63. Christopher J.J. Thiry, Map Librarian, Colorado School of Mines, cthiry at mines dot edu
  64. Carol Salomon, Cooper Union, New York City, salomo@cooper.edu
  65. Julie Carmen, COSTAR Librarian, Colorado School of Mines, jcarmen at mines dot edu
  66. William Jacobs, University of Miami, billjac@miami.edu
  67. Helen Josephine, Engineering Library, Stanford Univeristy, helenj@stanford.edu
  68. Judy Oberg, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Library, Judy.Oberg@nrel.gov
  69. Suzette Cohn. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Library, suzette.cohn@nrel.gov
  70. Tami Sandberg, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Library, tami.sandberg@nrel.gov
  71. Donna Cromer, University of New Mexico, dcromer at unm dot edu
  72. Jay Mann, University of Florida, jaymann@uflib.ufl.edu
  73. Teresa Mullins, Thomson Reuters Healthcare Library
  74. Soon Duck Kim, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Library, soon.duck.kim@nrel.gov
  75. Aric Villarreal, Department of Commerce Boulder Labs Library, aric.villarreal@noaa.gov 
  76. Kyle Harmon, University of Denver, Kyle.Harmon@du.edu 
  77. Ben Harnke, University of Denver, Ben.Harnke@du.edu
  78. Joan Segal, Department of Commerce, Boulder Labs Library, joan.s.segal@noaa.gov
  79. Jacquie Demuth, University of Denver, jacquie.demuth@du.edu
  80. Caroline Starbird, University of Denver, carolinestarbird@gmail.com
  81. The free Friday lunch list is capped at 80 (since that is the number of lunches we ordered).  If you would like to attend the unconference without the free lunch, please add your name below.  If someone drops off of the attendee list above, then you would be able to get said free lunch.
  82. Please add your name here.
  83. or here...



Please add yourself to the discussion list here


Comments (5)

patricia.watkins@... said

at 7:56 pm on Oct 8, 2009

Any suggestions on where we might stay that is near the Unconference?

Daryle Schneider said

at 11:34 pm on Oct 26, 2009

Daryle Schneider, Arapahoe Community College Library, Educational Technology, Daryle.schneider@arapahoe.edu

Daryle Schneider said

at 11:51 pm on Oct 26, 2009

Our library has spent the last year branding itself on math. Would like to see the unconference feature Science and Math.

diane tobin said

at 5:17 pm on Nov 6, 2009

Diane Tobin
Denver Medical Library

joe kraus said

at 11:11 am on Dec 14, 2009

I added Daryle and Diane to the attendee list above.

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